Friday, April 23, 2010

What is a Mix Tape

Definition by Wiki
To sum it up ~ it's a "good" list of songs that spoke to the receiver from the maker; on a certain level about life, happiness, fun-times, love, anger, loss.... ( you name it!)

They were given to friends, enemies, heartbreakers, lovers, and occasionally just people at random
In whole - they contained a summary of a mood, a feeling, strong emotions!.... The songs were selectively chosen; "poetically" to mark a moment in time; and then given to a certain someone

cool new gifts
You should give it a try, make a compilation for someone, it's fun... Burn it to disk , hard-drive, via-whatever, or try it old-school.
*Old school on tape needs class! You need to select your songs well ~ They need good follow threw. Like a book! They also need to start and stop at the right moment, because you only have so much time to execute each side!.
More Help!
Go ahead give it a try!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

James Cagney

So this one was a lot of fun. I'm so happy I had the opportunity to do it. I have a weird obsession with classic b&w movies. this is what I grew up on! My mother thought that it was "ok" for me to watch anything that was in black n' white... And naturally I abided by "mothers words"; which led me into becoming a fan of Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire, Jane Russel, Cary Grant, James Cagney, Rock Hudson, Dean Martin, Mae West, Danny Kay.....
It also led to an obsession with scary movies by Alfred Hitchcock, and William Castle films. Which I will hopefully have the opportunity of re-creating sometime as well (hint-hint!)

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Sometimes reflections of yourself; your heart, and soul, can only be seen in dreams.
(pg. from sketchbook project)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Original Image to banner

This never comes out right in a photo... 18x24in. It hangs above my head where I work ;)
colored pencil on black paper

this is glimpse at my day job....